- Qualitative Investigation of the Upcoming Challenges to Working Nurse Mothers Choosing a Child Upbringing Method
- Comparison of the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ACT and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT on the Psychological Capital of Patients with Thalassemia
- The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Existential Group Therapy On Increasing Hope And Decreasing Depression In Women – Treated With Haemodialysis 2016
- Studying the effectiveness of psychological empowerment based on Shafiabadi’s Multiaxial pattern on teachers’ organizational commitment 2017
- Evaluating the effectiveness of Shafi Abadi’s multi-axial pattern on reducing occupational burnout of primary school teachers in District One of Tehran 2017
- The Effectiveness Instruction of the Savikas Career Construction Theory (SCCT) on the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy of the Unemployed Jobseekers Supported by Unemployment Insurance
- Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive – Behavioral Couple Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Couple Therapy in the Couple’s Conflict in the City of Isfahan 2016
- What Keeps Dissatisfied People in Marriage 2016
- Formation and Determination of Psychometric Features Pertaining to Happiness Inventory 2017
- A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral CoupleTherapy and Acceptance and Commitment Couple Therapy in theCouple’s Conflict in the City of Isfahan 2016
- A process model for counselling in a developing nation
- varied applications of shafiabady’s multy axial pattern of vocational choice SMPVC on vocational behaviors change 2014
- the formulation of career decision making program based on the integration of social learning theory and cognitive information Processing Theory Comparison of its Effectiveness with the Multi axial on Applied Science Students Entrepreneurial Behavior 2014
- The Efficacy of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation on Reducing Internalization of target behaviors in Preschooler children
- The Effectiveness of Forgiveness Based Consultancy on Marital Conflicts of Women with Severe Conflicts Referring to Court in Koohdasht Town 2014
- the effect of group gestalt therapy on stress coping strategies among women
- investigation of effectivness of solution oriented and cognitive behavioral models on males and females sexual malfunctioning
- effectiveness of job counseling by shafiabadi,s multi axial pattern of vocational choice SMPVC on job
- effectiveness assessment of group systematic motivational counseling SMC on the reduction of marital distress rate in iran
- comparison of effectiveness of pharmacotherapy intervention behavioral and yoga to reduce symptoms in children 6 to 8 years old with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD
- comparison of effectiveness of pharmacotherapy intervention and yoga to reduce symptoms in children 6 to 8 years
- comparing the effect
- abstract comparing the effectiveness of vocation counseling based the shafiabady’s multi axial pattern of vocational
- a comparison study of the effectiveness of group counseling with schema therapy and logo therapy and a electic of the two mentioned
- a comparision of effectiveness of group systematic motivational counseling SMC and couples communication program ccp to reduce the marital distress in iran
- The relationship of social desirability and educational self-efficacy with bullying behavior among female students of middle school
- The impact of couple therapy based on attachment” in deterministic thinking and marital satisfaction among couples
- The effects of MVIC durations in PNF training on muscular performances in non-athlete women
- The Effectiveness of Transactional Analysis Group-counseling on the Improvement of Couples’ Family Functioning
- The Effectiveness of Stress Inoculation Group Training on the General Health
- the effectiveness of solution focused brief therapy on increasing social adjustment of female students residing in tehran university dormitories
- The Effectiveness of Reality Therapy on the Improvement of Couples’ Family Functioning
- The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy Based on Quality of Life
- The Effectiveness of Group Training Based on Hope Therapy on Promoting the Psychological Well Being of Quitting Addicts
- The effect of group counseling with transactional analysis method on general
- quality of life and menopause developing a theoretical model based on meaning in life self efficacy beliefs body image
- Investigation the effectiveness of assertiveness training using neuro-linguistic strategies (NLP) to reduce
- Investigating the effectiveness of entrepreneurial skills training on the students’ self-efficacy beliefs
- Effectiveness of Metacognitive Skills Training in Trainees’ Self Efficacy
- Determine and Compare Effectiveness of Entrepreneu
- Designing a model based on mindfulness, nonexistential resistance
- Depression in patients with chronic hepatitis B an experience on individual solution- focused therapy
- Components of Drama Therapy in Family New Approach to Solve Marital Conflicts
- comparison of efficacy of two native and non native multiaxial approches on personal skills interpersonal intellectual and practical of entrepreneurshi
- Comparison effectiveness stability in two career counselling
- comparing the of multi axial pattern of shafie abadi with hulland typology theory on the change in disarranged professional identity of high school girls
- A Comparative Study of the Impact of Emotional Focused Therapy and Stress
- a case for individual psychology in vocational development